AMV simple 2 ;v

Pict source : google :v

Hi guys, last time i posted my first time AMV, now i want to try to make again since last time i made it, it's been a long day. BTW last time, i made an AMV using a software from the windows essentials called Movie Maker, now i wanted to try something new. Today i will show you my new AMV with Adobe Premiere CC 2015. Still I'm newbie at this software so i still didn't know how to use it XD , and with my Wooden Laptop i force to make this AMV T_T. Sry if the effect is too bit.

The file is too large i guess so i cant post the video but you can watch it at my google drive, and you
 can download it from there too if you like :))

here's the link
 MP4 : Googledrive

Oh and one more things, i checked my last post using FireFox and when i see the post i cant watched the video cuz it says "a plug in is needed to display this content." I'm sorry if you have a same problem like me at technology T_T, but you can still watched it at my google drive.

Thanks to opening this blog, and stay tune for my next post.
Happy Watching <(*)

-Shirota Tenshi

keyword : amv , amv simple , anime movie video , anime movie video simple .